Tuesday, April 1, 2014

3 Tips for Attending Wedding Fairs

We recently hosted a booth at a local Bay Area Wedding Fair and had a blast meeting so many wonderful couples! We wanted to share with you some bridal fair tips we were sharing with the couples we met.

1. Stickers!

Many vendors have drawings or giveaways and ask for 4 pieces of information...name, wedding date, phone, and email. To save your hand from cramping at the end of the day, print these 4 items on mailing address labels so all you have to do is place a sicker on their sign-up sheet and your on your way!

2. Take a Lap.

Sometimes wedding fairs can be a little overwhelming. Try starting your wedding fair experience by walking through the entire fair just browsing the multitude of vendors (kind of like window shopping). Ask your maid of honor, mom or  hubby-to-be to take notes of vendors you may be interested in. Then take a second lap visiting those vendors, taking your time to get to know them a little better.

3. Sign-up for Free Consultations.

Many vendors offer free consultations where they arrange a time to with you one-on-one to learn more about your big day and explain their services in more detail. If you are at all interested in these vendors at the fair, sing-up for a consultation! Most vendors offer huge savings just for simply meeting with them. (We do!) It's free...what is there to loose? If you end up not being interested in their services, then at least you have learned what you are not looking for.

Most of all have fun and be pampered!!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this great post! Was very confused and looking for such a blog. Really liked your post and will use it in organizing my niece’s wedding at one of NYC wedding venues. Have already hired wedding vendors and catering services.
