Monday, April 7, 2014

How to Dress up the Lady's & Men's Room at Your Wedding

Sometimes it's the littlest details that can give the biggest impact and truly make a wedding unique. A bathroom amenities basket for your guests is one of those little touches that will surely be noticed! This thoughtful and classy gesture will definitely come in handy for those “I wish I had brought….” moments. By the end of the night you will find that your baskets went to good use and were greatly appreciated by your guests!
Below is a list of a few items to think about including in your baskets. Although some of the items repeat, there are two separate lists for the Lady’s Room and Men’s Room. 

Check out this added touch one of our couples included at their wedding last year....Super cute bathroom signs of the bride and groom when they were little!

Lady’s Room: 

~ Mints                                ~ Hair Elastics
~ Hairspray                         ~ Bobby Pins
~ Tissue                               ~ Tide-to-Go Stick
~ Spritzer/Perfume              ~ Lint Roller
~ Mouthwash                      ~ Q-tips
~ Dental Floss                     ~ Clear Nail Polish
~ Hand Lotion                     ~ Mini Sewing Kit
~ Feminine Products           ~ Scissors
~ Blotting Sheets                 ~ Tums
~ Band Aides                       ~ Imodium
~ Moleskin                           ~ Eye Drops
~ Safety Pins                        ~ Advil or Ibuprofen

Something you may not have thought of: Earring backs & Double Sided Tape

Men’s Room:
~ Mints                                  ~ Lint roller
~ Hair Gel                              ~ Safety Pins
~ Tissue                                 ~ Mini Sewing Kit
~ Cologne                              ~ Scissors
~ Mouthwash                       ~ Tums
~ Dental Floss                      ~ Imodium
~ Hand Lotion                      ~ Eye Drops
~ Band Aides                        ~ Advil or Ibuprofen
~ Tide-to-Go stick

Something you may not have thought of: Instant Hem & Cuff Fabric Tape
Extra Tip:
Included a framed engagement photo, poem or note next to each basket addressed to your guests. Below are a couple of more well know poem examples.  
So happy you’re here sharing our special day
But just in case something should go astray:
Please help yourself to the contents within
Mouthwash, hand lotion or ibuprofen
Use what you need, and just leave the rest
For it may be useful to some other guest!
Repair the damage that may have been done,
Then quick!  Hurry back and join in the fun! 
~ Compliments of the Bride & Groom ~
Dear Guests,
Whether your skin feels dry or your hair out of place
You're not feeling so fresh or whatever the case
We've put together a basket to help you along
Now hurry back out before you miss the next song!
~ Compliments of the Bride & Groom ~

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

3 Tips for Attending Wedding Fairs

We recently hosted a booth at a local Bay Area Wedding Fair and had a blast meeting so many wonderful couples! We wanted to share with you some bridal fair tips we were sharing with the couples we met.

1. Stickers!

Many vendors have drawings or giveaways and ask for 4 pieces of, wedding date, phone, and email. To save your hand from cramping at the end of the day, print these 4 items on mailing address labels so all you have to do is place a sicker on their sign-up sheet and your on your way!

2. Take a Lap.

Sometimes wedding fairs can be a little overwhelming. Try starting your wedding fair experience by walking through the entire fair just browsing the multitude of vendors (kind of like window shopping). Ask your maid of honor, mom or  hubby-to-be to take notes of vendors you may be interested in. Then take a second lap visiting those vendors, taking your time to get to know them a little better.

3. Sign-up for Free Consultations.

Many vendors offer free consultations where they arrange a time to with you one-on-one to learn more about your big day and explain their services in more detail. If you are at all interested in these vendors at the fair, sing-up for a consultation! Most vendors offer huge savings just for simply meeting with them. (We do!) It's free...what is there to loose? If you end up not being interested in their services, then at least you have learned what you are not looking for.

Most of all have fun and be pampered!!